
Berkeley 48, Open Star Cluster

The cluster is not only listed in the "Berkeley Catalogue" as number 48, but also in the "New General Catalogue", where it is numbered "NGC 6827". The distance is given with 13.400 lightyears. The object was discovered in 1878 by Edouard Stephan. The apparent size in the sky is 2.4' (minutes of arc), so the true diameter can be determined to 9.4 light-years. The age of Berkeley 48 is given as 800 million years, so it is rather old.


The star cluster is one of the most beautiful in the "Berkeley catalog". At 120x it is indirectly visible as a brighter, milky patch in a 20 inch f/3.2 telescope.

The cluster is then best seen at V=270x. It appears roundish with a grainy background from which about 15-20 faint individual stars flash out in moments of steady air - similar to very fine stardust. In the center "Berkeley 48" appears slightly brighter. The surrounding area is very rich in stars. A wonderful sight in the large telescope.

Der Sternhaufen Berkeley 48 im Sternbild Scutum im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)