
Abell 1020 - Galaxy Cluster

The galaxy cluster Abell 1020 is located at a distance of 870 million light-years in the constellation Leo. Its redshift is given as z= 0.065, from which an escape velocity of v= 18,800 km/s can be calculated. The brightest galaxy (2MASX J10274949+1026306) has an elongation of only 0.35', which corresponds to a true size of 90,000 light-years.


Even in my 20" f/3 telescope, Abell 1020 is very unspectacular. I was only able to see 6 very faint galaxies with averted vision at a magnification of V=270x.

Galaxienhaufen Abell 1020 in Leo im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)