
Abell 2056 - Galaxy Cluster

Abell 2056 is an unknown galaxy cluster in the western part of the constellation Corona Borealis and belongs (like many other galaxy clusters in this constellation) to the "Corona Borealis Supercluster". AGC 2065, which forms the gravitational center of the supercluster due to its immensely high density of galaxies, is located only about 55 arc minutes southeast of Abell 2056 - converted to a distance of 1 billion light years this results in a true distance of 16 million light years between the two clusters.


AGC 2056 is even in my 20 inch telescope one of the rather inconspicuous objects. You can't find brighter galaxies and so I was able to detect only 6 galaxies in a field of 15x15 arcminutes. A brighter star can serve as a finding guide.

Overall this galaxy cluster is a very unspectacular object - but it belongs to the "Corona Borealis Supercluster", so it was on my observation list.

Galaxienhaufen Abell 2056 in CrB im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)