
Abell 2092 - Galaxy Cluster

Abell 2092 is another galaxy cluster, which together with some others forms the "Corona Borealis Supercluster". With a distance of 890 million light years it is the closest to us of them all. It is located only 15 arc minutes southeast of the 4mag bright star "Theta CrB". So of course the galaxy cluster is very easy to find. There are 55 galaxies attributed to it.


During the observation you have to be careful that the 4mag star "Theta CrB" does not come into the field of view by mistake, because it can disturb the dark adaptation of the eye.

In my 20" Dobsonian I could see 12 galaxies with indirect vision at a magnification of 270x. All very faint, but in most cases quite well visible.

Galaxienhaufen Abell 2092 in CrB im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)