
Abell 2311 - Galaxy Cluster

This unknown galaxy cluster lies in the northern part of the constellation Draco at a distance of nearly 1.2 billion light-years. It is moving away from us at a speed of 25,500 kilometers per second, which is the distance Earth-Moon every 15 seconds. That is really remarkable.

Altogether 60 galaxies are attributed to the cluster, but only a few of them are visible in a telescope.


The observation with my 20" f/3.2 telescope was fortunately not too difficult, because some brighter stars can serve as help to find the small galaxies. So with averted vision at a magnification of 270x I could see 9 galaxies in total, which popped out of the darkness every now and then for a short moment.

Galaxienhaufen Abell 2311 im Sternbild Drache im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)