
Abell 2315 - Galaxy Cluster

Abell 2315 forms with Abell 2311 and Abell 2312 a triplet of galaxy clusters in the constellation Draco. With a declination of 70° the three clusters are circumpolar and therefore observable from a latitude of 49° all year round. The distance to Abell 2315 can be determined by the redshift of z = 0.094 to 1.24 billion lightyears. So this cluster is 60 million light years more distant from us than for example Abell 2311.


I found the observation of Abell 2315 with my 20" f/3 telescope to be the most difficult. Not because of the slightly greater distance, but because there are hardly any brighter stars in the field of view. This makes it difficult to fix the exact position of the tiny galaxies and then spot them with averted vision in the darkness.

Despite these difficulties, I was able to detect a total of 9 galaxies at a magnification of 270x, including even two close pairs of galaxies.

Galaxienhaufen Abell 2315 im Sternbild Drache im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)