
Markarian 187 - Galaxy

Markarian 187 designates a small galaxy in the constellation "Draco". With the known redshift of z=0.032 the distance is calculated to be 440 million light years. If you look at the object on an image of the SDSS, you can see a small spiral galaxy with two arms winding clockwise around the nucleus.


Actually, I only looked at Mrk 187 because I accidentally made a number mistake in my observing preparation. My intended target was Mrk 817, a quasar. Since both objects are located in the constellation Draco and are similarly bright, I didn't notice my mistake at first.

So to Mrk 187 there is only to say, that the galaxy is visible at 270x as a small diffuse patch of light, which gets slightly brighter towards the center and has a very faint stellar nucleus. Otherwise no further details are visible.

Die Galaxie Markarian 187 im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)