
NGC 68 (VV166) - Galaxy Group

The "NGC 68 Group" is a so called "Compact Galaxy Group" of 7-8 galaxies, which is also named "VV166". It is located 320 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Andromeda.

Besides NGC 68, the galaxies NGC 69/70/71 and 72 belong to this group. Both NGC 70 and NGC 72 are spiral galaxies and have a diameter of 180,000 light years. The other galaxies mentioned, however, are elliptical galaxies with a diameter of 90,000 to 120,000 light years. Whether NGC 68 is actually a member of this group seems uncertain at the moment, since the distance is only 285 million light-years.


In my 20" telescope this group offers a very nice view at V=270x. Three of the galaxies are quite bright, but due to the large distance not much detail can be seen. The spiral arms and bars of NGC 70/72 remain invisible, only NGC 70 shows a bright stellar nucleus. The resemblance to "Stephan's Quintet" is somewhat present.

Die Galaxiengruppe NGC 68 (VV166) im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)