
NGC 2262, Open Star Cluster

NGC 2262 is an open star cluster in the constellation Monoceros (Unicorn), which was discovered by F.W. Herschel in December 1786. It is located at a relatively large distance of 11,700 light-years and has a brightness of 11.7mag and an apparent diameter of 4' ('arc minutes').

The cluster is 13 light-years across and contains around 900 stars. The brightest is 12.7mag, which corresponds to an absolute magnitude of M=+0.02mag and a luminosity of 85 suns. The age of NGC 2262 is estimated to be 1 billion years.


My 20" f/3 telescope shows a small, faint star cluster that appears roundish. At 210x about 10-15 faint single stars with less than 14mag can be seen - at 270x a few more stars flash out. The background appears grainy, which is an indication of many faint stars. Overall, NGC 2262 looks like glittering stardust.

Der offene Sternhaufen NGC 2262 im Sternbild Einhorn im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)