
NGC 6751 - Glowing Eye Nebula

NGC 6751 is a planetary nebula in the constellation "Aquila" and is located about 1° south of lambda Aql, i.e. in the southern part of the constellation. It is quite easy to find, even if you don't have an accurate star chart. In English, the PN has the rather appropriate name "Glowing Eye Nebula".

It is about 6,500 light years away from us and has a brightness of 11.9mag. The apparent diameter is about 25" (arc seconds), which suggests a true diameter of 0.8 light years. The central star is quite bright and therefore even has its own HD number. The surface temperature of the white dwarf is a very hot 140,000 Kelvin.


At a magnification of 270x in combination with a UHC filter the "glowing eye" offers a wonderful sight. The PN appears as a brightly glowing ring whose edges are not uniformly bright. The centre appears to be darker and is dominated by the bright central star. The planetary nebula is surrounded by many bright field stars, which further enhances the great overall impression.

Der Glowing Eye Nebula NGC 6751 im Sternbild Adler im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)