
NGC 6765 - Planetary Nebula

NGC 6765 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Lyra with an apparent magnitude of 12.9mag and an elongation of about 0.7 arcminutes. It was discovered by Albert Marth in 1864.

Using the approximate known distance of ~12,000 light-years, the true diameter of the nebula can be calculated to be 2.3 light-years. The envelope has an absolute brightness of M= +0.1mag, which corresponds to a luminosity of 80 suns. The central star bears the designation “WD 1909+304” and belongs to the class of “PG 1159” stars, which are characterized by a special chemical composition and extremely high surface temperatures.


In a 20” telescope, the planetary nebula NGC 6765 offers a very interesting sight.

At a magnification of 270x in combination with an UHC filter, I could first see the elongated, inner part, which is clearly brighter in the upper (northern) section. However, the southern part also appeared brighter and separated. To the east of it (left), another nebulous patch was visible, which was quite easy to see with averted vision. The western counterpart, on the other hand, is quite faint and featureless.

The central star was not visible.

NGC 6765 im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)