The Planetary nebula NGC 6894 is located in the southern part of the constellation Cygnus at the border of the constellation Vulpecula. The distance is
5,400 light-years. The visual magnitude is given with 12.3mag, the diameter of the roundish nebula with 55 arc seconds. This results in the true
diameter of the PN to be 1.4 light-years. Northwest of NGC 6894 two curved nebula filaments can be seen on H-Alpha images, which are probably
excited to glow by the central star. Its apparent brightness is about 16mag.
The appearance of NGC 6894 in my 20" f/3 Dobsonian reminds me very much of the Ring Nebula in the constellation Lyra. At a magnification
of 270x the ring shape is clearly visible. If you look closely you can see some brighter spots in the ring, but they are very hard to see and only a
little bit brighter than the ring itself.
In the northwestern part of the PN is a faint star. The central star was not visible.