
Quasar "J1719+4804"

The quasar “J1719+4804” is located in the constellation Hercules and can be best observed in the spring and summer months. The light travel time is 8.3 billion years, the redshift is given as z=1.083. Due to the expansion of the universe, the quasar moves away from us with a speed of 187,000 kilometers per second, which corresponds to the distance Earth-Moon in just 2 seconds. The QSO is currently 11.6 billion light-years away from us.

The absolute magnitude is given as M= -29.8mag, which corresponds to a luminosity of 70 trillion suns - a true monster. ;) The apparent brightness is variable with values from 14.6 to 15.3mag, so that QSO should be visible even in telescopes with an aperture of 14”.


In my 20” f/3 telescope, ‘J1719+4804’ was visible even at a very low magnification of 120x. At 270x the QSO was quite easy with indirect vision and appeared relatively bright. The small asterism to the west offers a nice contrast.

A very nice object even for smaller telescopes! :)

Der Quasar J1719+4804 im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)