The quasar (QSO) with the designation "Q2139+0127" with a visual magnitude of about 16.1mag is located in the constellation Aquarius and can
be observed best in the autumn months. Its redshift is z=1.42, which results in a light travel time of 9.25 billion years. Every second the quasar moves
away by another 210,000 kilometers and is currently 14.0 billion light years away from us due to the everlasting expansion of our universe.
The absolute magnitude is M= -28.5mag, which corresponds to a luminosity of 21.5 trillion suns. If the quasar would be located in the center of our
Milky Way, it would still be -14mag bright and therefore could be seen as a glistening bright star in the daytime sky.
In my 20 inch f/3 telescope the quasar is easily visible at 210x with averted vision. Faint stars in the near vicinity make the identification easier. The QSO is
located within a beautiful asterism.