
Sh 2-101, Tulpennebel

The Tulip Nebula was added to Stewart Sharpless' catalog of nebulae in 1959 and is numbered Sh 2-101. It lies in the middle of the dense Milky Way in the constellation Cygnus and is located at a distance of about 6,000 light years (although this distance is to be treated with caution). The brightness of this HII- region is given with 9mag, the apparent size with 16x9 arcminutes.


In a 20" telescope nothing can be seen at the position without a filter. With UHC filter a very pale glow is visible.

The nebula is brightest around the two bright stars in the center. The dark indentation south of it is also still visible, all other structures require a bit more patience. The nebular boundaries in the northwestern part are smooth, as the nebula gently fades into the dark sky background. The shape of a tulip can definitely be guessed with time.

Der Tulpennebel Sh 2-101 im Sternbild Schwan im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)