
ZTF J1901+1458

This white dwarf is located 135 light-years from Earth in the constellation Aquila. With a mass of 1.35 solar masses, it is the heaviest white dwarf found to date. As white dwarfs are smaller the greater their mass, "ZTF J1901+1458" has a diameter of an incredible 4,200 kilometers and is therefore only slightly larger than the Earth's moon.

The temperature on its surface is 46,000 Kelvin and, believe it or not, it only takes 7 minutes to complete one revolution!


In my 20" f/3 telescope, the white dwarf is not a particularly difficult object. It is located in the middle of the dense summer Milky Way at the edge of a bright asterism.

At a magnification of V=270x it was easy to recognize with indirect vision, at 380x the sighting was even easier.

Der weiße Zwerg ZTF J1901+1458