
Teutsch 42, Open Star Cluster

Unfortunately I could not find any parameters for "Teutsch 42" which characterize the cluster. So I am left only with the description of the visual sight:


At 120x the cluster appears very small and faint. It can only be seen with indirect vision. At 270x things become a bit easier. Two faint stars are visible in front of the diffuse, possibly slightly grainy background, but they probably do not belong to the cluster. The cluster appears round and homogeneous. brightening towards the center is not perceptible.

A quite difficult object, which requires a lot of aperture. But it is also nice to observe an object that not everybody can see.

Der offene Sternhaufen Teutsch 42 im Sternbild Pfeil im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)