
Teutsch 147, Open Star Cluster

"Teutsch 147" is located in the constellation Aquila and has an apparent magnitude of about 3'. More is currently not known about this faint open cluster.


The cluster lies east of a group of three bright stars. Also in the field of view are several other bright stars that provide a nice contrast to the pale glow of the cluster.

Teutsch 147 appears in a 20" telescope at a magnification of 270x like fine star dust against a milky background. There are about ten faint individual stars visible, and the background appears slightly mottled or grainy in moments of steady air. The shape of the cluster is slightly oval with an elongation of 1.5:1.

Der Offene Sternhaufen Teutsch 147 im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)