
UGC 3211A - Pole Galaxy

The object "UGC 3211A" does not necessarily have to tell you anything. After all, even with 20" aperture the galaxy can only be seen with averted vision. So why spend valuable observing time to take a look at this faint patch of light?

Well, with a declination of +89° 20' the galaxy lies only 40 arcminutes away from the celestial pole, making it probably the most northern galaxy that can be observed with a medium-sized telescope of this aperture. This fact makes things a little more interesting, though not much. Because apart from that, there is not much to report about UGC 3211A: No distance data can be found and so only values for apparent magnitude (16.0mag) and size (0.8'x0.4') remain. After a short look into the POSS it seems to be a spiral galaxy with a brighter core and very faint spiral arms.


Observing this galaxy with 20" aperture leaves only the following to say: faint, slightly oval and diffuse. I could not gain more knowledge during my observation.

Die Galaxie UGC 3211A im Sternbild Kleiner Wagen im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)