
vdB 131/132 - Reflection Nebula

The two reflection nebulae vdB 131/132 are located at a distance of around 3,200 light-years in the constellation Cygnus. Their apparent magnitude is around 1.5', which corresponds to a true size of 1.4 light-years. Both nebulae have a low surface brightness and require a dark sky for observation. In the lower part of the drawing is the open star cluster "Dolizde 8", in which you can also find the small bipolar nebula GN 20.22.7.


The two reflection nebulae vdB 131/132 were visible in my 20" f/3.2 telescope as faint patches of light, which showed up best at 120x in combination with a UHC-S. Both were easily recognizable with indirect vision. There were even some structures such as darker areas. The star cluster Dolizde 8 revealed around 15 stars of varying brightness at 210x. It stands out well from the surrounding star field and appears somewhat rectangular. In the southern part, I could also see the bipolar nebula GN 20.22.7 with indirect vision as a very faint, elongated brightening. No structures were visible here.

vdB 131/132 im 20 Zoll Dobson- Teleskop (Spiegelteleskop)