From the coming year 2025, there will be some changes at "Spacewalk Telescopes".
The two telescope series "Infinity NL" and "Horizon" will be closed down. Only for one last 20" Horizon there are still suitable milled
and turned parts available, which can therefore still be ordered.
The tracking platform will also no longer be produced and will therefore be removed from the portfolio.
Instead, there will be a Dobsonian series called "Onyx", which will include a 16" f/3.4 and a 20" f/3.2 model and will combine many
elements from the two previous series.
At this point I don't want to reveal anything about the brand new model series "Obsidian". It will remain exciting for a while yet...
With this in mind: "Stay tuned...".
Christian Busch
(Dec. 2024)